Professional and international supplier of seed and ware potatoes
Danespo is a plant breeding company. We develop robust potato plants for a future everyday life where we will experience more extreme weather conditions and thus more difficult growing conditions for our plants.
Our potato varieties are becoming more and more efficient and must feed an increasing world population in a future where agricultural areas are simultaneously reduced, and the areas are increasingly used for energy production, natural urbanisation, forests etc.
Potatoes are probably the most efficient plant for human nutrition and it is also one of the best plants when we measure the CO2 load in our food.
Danespo aims to be the North European market leader in bringing productive and high-quality potatoes to the markets in Europe, North Africa and Middle East.
Building on the best growers and employees of the business Danespo aims to create value by breeding, growing and distributing the best potato varieties for our strategic markets.

We are passionate about our business and take care of our partners and colleagues

We encourage development and growth by combining knowledge with business agility

We take ownership in our work - communicate and act responsibly

We say what we mean, do what we say - and treat others with respect